The accommodations of the Slow Tourism North Galicia network meet all the conditions that guarantee health in the area of reception, accommodation and customer service and in the working environment of the workers, thanks to the Contingency Plan developed to reduce or eliminate the possibility of contagion by COVID – 19 in the accommodations. Various measures have been implemented to establish and regulate management, customer service, cleaning and maintenance procedures, as well as the procedure to be followed if a case of COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed among the staff or customers of the accommodation:
> Information on the maximum capacity of the facilities, limiting access to both customers (for use of common areas) and staff (for use of changing rooms and toilets).
> Management of the access of suppliers and clients establishing schedules, delivery areas and hygienic protocols for them.
> Increase in cleaning and disinfection tasks, carrying them out several times each working day.
> Implementation and monitoring of hygiene measures:
• Frequent hand washing.
• Ensure that staff have easy access to water and soap. Where access to soap and water is not possible, use hydro-alcoholic hand hygiene gels, single-use paper towels and waste bins.
• the existence of litter bins lined with rubbish bags. If they have a lid, the opening mechanism should preferably be with a pedal, to avoid having to touch the surface.
• Thorough cleaning of surfaces.
> Inform about preventive and hygienic measures (placement of visual information, such as posters, brochures, etc. in strategic places).
> Elimination of decoration and less necessary textiles (carpets, extra blankets, tablecloths…)
> The accommodation will inform the clients, before the confirmation of the reservation, of the conditions of the service and measures of prevention established to minimize the risk of contagion, and will request its acceptance at the moment of the confirmation of the reservation so that it is effective:
• Preferential use of telematic methods (computer and mobile devices) to manage reservations, online pre-checking, receipt of delivery notes and issuing of invoices.
• Payment by card or mobile phone whenever possible.