In Galicia it is necessary to notify the arrival in the region, especially those people who come from or were in the last fourteen days in territories with a high epidemiological incidence of COVID-19.
This communication must be completed by each of the travellers, who will be responsible for ensuring that the information provided is true and accurate. In the case of minors, dependent or disabled people, the declaration will be covered by the guardian, who will be responsible for the veracity of the information provided.
If you have any symptoms related to COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath), you should call 881 00 20 21 Any traveller who does not live in Galicia will be attended to free of charge at this number.
You must give your contact details by filling in the form available on the website coronavirus.sergas.gal/viaxeiros or calling 881 00 20 21.

The territories considered to have a high epidemiological incidence by covid-19 will be updated fortnightly. The current ones are available in the section for travellers on the Servizo Galego de Saúde website.